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3 Tips Every EV Driver Should Know

3 Tips Every EV Driver Should Know

In order to combat the threats to the environment and the earth, the automobile industry has joined forces with environmental crusaders to launch the electric vehicle (EV) market. This move was made in order to combat the threats to the environment and the earth. Finding the best safe driving tips for battery-powered cars can be difficult for new owners and drivers of electric cars. If you need help with your EV, visit our website and get in touch with us.

Here are some tips you should know.

Battery Condition Is Important

If you are familiar with the fundamentals of battery good battery condition, you will be able to get the most out of the battery that powers your electric vehicle and keep it running for a longer period of time. If you don’t properly maintain your battery, its capacity will gradually decrease over time, and you won’t get the same amount of mileage out of it as you would if you did.

Do not charge the battery of your vehicle all the way up to its maximum capacity every time you use it because doing so can cause the vehicle’s range to decrease. It is possible that those who are unfamiliar with the operation of other electronic devices, such as cell phones and laptop computers, will find it peculiar at first. It’s basically the same principle, with the exception that most people replace their electronic devices more frequently than they do their cars, but these batteries drain faster over time than they did when they were brand new. Before beginning to charge the battery, you should wait until it has between 10 and 20 percent of its capacity remaining, and you should only fully charge the battery to approximately 80 percent of its capacity rather than completely filling it up to its maximum potential.

Weather Plays An Important Role

Did you know that the weather and temperature can also have an impact on your battery? Taking care of your battery is important if you want to get the most out of it.

Even though thermal management systems help electric car batteries avoid overheating, it is still preferable to help your battery by avoiding drastic temperature differences if at all possible. This is because thermal management systems help electric car batteries avoid overheating. It is possible to avoid this. This implies that you should always make an effort to park your vehicle in a spot that offers some shade in order to prevent the batteries from overheating and losing their capacity. Wait a few minutes before charging your vehicle, just as you should do after coming back from a long trip, so that the battery has time to cool down.

Extreme temperatures typically have the effect of reducing battery capacity, which in turn has the effect of reducing range. Therefore, if you notice a decrease in range during the winter, this is not an unusual occurrence. If you want to protect your car as much as possible from the damaging effects of severe weather, you should park it inside a garage.

It is also essential to keep in mind that the settings of your climate control will consume more battery power, particularly if you are operating your air conditioning when the temperature outside is either extremely hot or extremely cold.

Use Eco-Mode

Many EVs have a dedicated eco mode that limits power to the car’s more power-hungry features, such as the heater and accelerator. You won’t be breaking any 0-60 times with your car, but the power that isn’t being fed elsewhere can instead keep you going further for longer. Similarly, if you have Sport Mode enabled, keep it turned off.

Thinking about purchasing an EV? Or maybe you have one already. Either way, we’ve got the training and experience to help you with all your EV needs.  Visit our website or stop by our business located on 100 Copernicus Blvd #2, Brantford, ON N3P 1K5 for more info.

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